Being a creative person can reflect through many different aspects, whether it’s through a choice of appearance, i.e. the clothes you wear, or showing through your work, and more importantly the environment you live, study or work in. Creativity is not just internal but will radiate externally, it can influence your work by the environment, culture and personal interests you surround yourself in. It can even help assist in the production and stimulate your thinking processes, and aid toward broadening your mind. So I find myself always collecting anything in whatever form that may have an influence on my work, I try to show my interests as a creative practitioner.
I researched around for different work spaces to give an example and found a picture of Johnny Ryan’s inside studio, as I read his blogging type website sometimes anyways was good to actually see one of his work spaces. Being a cartoonist it looks surrounded in colour and has a whole shelf of figurine characters and a well lit slanted desk!
Here is a photo of my own small room in halls. Decorated fairly simple as there were rules of ‘no blue tac wall stains’... ‘no holes in walls’ and my desk is packed in. However I like my room and it has the perfect balance of my photography pieces/some of my favourite Illustrators (Sophie Griotto, Christina Drejenstam and Rob Bryan) I’ve also got a row of some of my perfume adverts I always collect! Of course I’ve got my ‘Discover our fragile Earth’ calendar which has gorgeous wildlife photography pieces from all around the world. I am also fortunate to have quite a large desk!
The wall does go more round to the right showing more work but I already didnt do a good job of stitching the first two photos, so gave up on the third.