
Overview: Principles of a Reflective Visual Journal (RVJ)

Basic overview of the five principles regarding the meaning of an RVJ and putting them into practice:

Drawing work by hand:
Working by hand in your RVJ is essential as it enables you to engage a physical connection between your hand, your eye and your creative right brain.

Utilise Your Creative Brain:
In your head, there are two brains. The two halves of your brain are essentially separate; they carry out different processing functions in different ways. You can improve creativity immeasurably by consciously utilising these functions.

Develop Visual Language:
Thinking and working visually is a completely different process than thinking and working with words and text. Visual language enables us to make complex ideas and associations comprehensible.

Cyclic Design Process:
Developing visual solutions is a cycle think, evaluate, plan & do. To find and develop answers, requires a repeating sequence of thought, action & evaluation.

Cultivate Reflective Practice:The reflective practitioner engages, questions, evaluates, challenges, compares, contrasts, organises, edit, connects, plays and takes risks. Always make brief notes to record your critical reflection at all stages of the process (visual and textual languages are very powerful working together). They can have advantages or disadvantages

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